Project role: Institutional responsible for the ProSafeConsume project and principal investigator
Graduated as engineer in food technology (1985) and obtained her PhD title in Industrial Biotehnology (1999). She is currently professor of Food Microbiology, Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology and Hygiene for Food Business Operators at the Faculty of Food Science and Engineering from the Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania, and coordinates PhD thesis in the domain of Industrial Engineering, specialization Food Industry. Her current research is related to the detection and growth of pathogens in food and food processing environments and to the destruction of microorganisms using alternative technologies. She acted as institutional responsible for several European projects as Biotracer (FP6), Promise (FP7), Foodseg (FP7), Food Zoonosis (COST Action 920), BacFoodNet (COST FA Action 2012), SafeFood (ERA IB2) and as director for the projects CFP/EFSA/DATEX/2010/01 and ViLmAR (bilateral project Romania-Austria). At present, she is the institutional responsible for the SafeConsume (Horizon 2020) and ProSafeConsume (UEFISCDI PN-III-CEI-SUPORT) projects. She is member of the General Association of the Engineers in Romania (AGIR), the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) and the Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI). Follow her publications on Loop: